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St Athanasius the Great TO THE PEOPLE OF ANTIOCH, Complete

Translated by Cardinal Newman.

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11 Pages

Page 11

"As I think your holiness was present and heard, when his blessedness Pope Athanasius, in the presence of other clergy of Alexandria and of my insignificance, formerly related in the Great Church something about Theodorus [3707] , to the Ammonius of blessed memory, bishop of Elearchia [3708] , and to Hermon, bishop of the city of Bumastica [3709] ; I write only what is necessary to put your reverence in mind of what he said. When the famous bishops were wondering at the Blessed Anthony, Pope Athanasius--for Anthony was often with him--said to them:--

I saw also at that season great men of God, who are lately dead, Theodorus chief of the Tabennesian monks, and the father of the monks around [3710] Antinoopolis, called Abbas Pammon. For when I was pursued by Julian, and was expecting to be slain by him--for this news was shewn me by good friends--these two came to me on the same day at Antinoopolis. And having planned to hide with Theodorus, I embarked on his vessel, which was completely covered in, while Abbas Pammon accompanied us. And when the wind was unfavourable, I was very anxious and prayed; and the monks with Theodore got out and towed the boat. And as Abbas Pammon was encouraging me in my anxiety, I said 'Believe me when I say that my heart is never so trustful in time of peace as in time of persecution. For I have good confidence that suffering for Christ, and strengthened by His mercy, even though I am slain, I shall find mercy with Him.' And while I was still saying this, Theodorus fixed his eyes on Abbas Pammon and smiled, while the other nearly laughed. So I said to them, 'Why have you laughed at my words, do you convict me of cowardice?' and Theodorus said to Abbas Pammon, 'Tell him why we smiled.' At which the latter said, 'You ought to tell him.' So Theodorus said, 'in this very hour Julian has been slain in Persia' for so God had declared beforehand concerning him: 'the haughty man, the despiser and the boaster, shall finish nothing [3711] . But a Christian Emperor shall arise who shall be illustrious, but shall live only a short time [3712] . Wherefore you ought not to harass yourselves by departing into the Thebaid, but secretly to go to the Court, for you will meet him by the way, and having been kindly received by him, will return to your Church. And he soon shall be taken by God.' And so it happened. From which cause I believe, that many who are well pleasing to God live unnoticed, especially among the monks. For those men unnoticed also, such as the blessed Amun and the holy Theodorus [3713] in the mountain of Nitria, and the servant of God, the happy old man Pammon."

[3707] Cf. Vit. Ant. 60, and see below, letters 57, 58, and Acta SS. Maii, vol. iii. pp. 334-357, and Appx.; also D.C.B. iv. 954 (53).

[3708] Tom. Ant. 4.

[3709] i.e. Bubastis.

[3710] Opposite Hermupolis Magna in Upper Egypt.

[3711] Habak. ii. 5.

[3712] Cf. Letter 56, note 2.

[3713] On this Theodore, see D.C.B. s.v. no. (67).

The End

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