Translator unknown.
28 Pages
The Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
All: O Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, You are everywhere and fulfill all things. Treasury of Blessings and Giver of Life, come and abide in us and cleanse us from every impurity and save our souls, O Good One!
Clergy: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to men. O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall show forth Your praise.
Deacon: It is time for the Lord to act. Let us begin the service to the Lord. Bless, Master.
Priest: + Blessed is our God, always, now and ever and unto ages of ages.
Deacon: Amen. Pray for me, Master.
Priest: May the Lord direct your steps.
Deacon: Remember me, holy Master.
Priest: + May the Lord God remember you in His kingdom always, now and ever and unto ages of ages.
Deacon: Amen.
Deacon: Bless, Master.
Priest: + Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.
People: Amen.
Great Litany
Deacon: In peace let us pray to the Lord.
People: Lord, have mercy.
Deacon: For the peace from above and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.
Reference address : https://elpenor.org/basil/liturgy.asp