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ELPENOR - Home of the Greek Word

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St Athanasius the Great LETTERS, Part I, Complete

Translated by Cardinal Newman.

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Page 62

XL. (367-8.) In this year, Easter-day was on xxv Pharmuthi; xii Kal. Mai; xvi Moon; Epact xvii; Gods, ii; Indict. xi; Coss. Valentinianus Aug. II, Valens Aug. II; the same governor Tatianus, Praefect. He [Athan.] began to build anew the Caesareum, on the 6th of Pachon, having been honoured with an imperial command by Trajanus Dux. He also discovered the incendiaries, and immediately cleared away the rubbish of the burnt ruins, and restored the edifice in the month Pachon.

XLI. (368-9.) In this year, Easter-day was on xvii [3878] Pharmuthi; Prid. Id. Ap.; xv Moon; Epact xxviii; Gods, iii; Indict. xii; Coss. Valentinianus (son of Augustus) I, Victor; the same Tatianus being governor. The Pope began to build that Church in Mendidium which bears his name, on the twenty-fifth [3879] of the month Thoth, at the beginning of the eighty-fifth year of the Diocletian Era.

XLII. (369-70.) In this year, Easter-day was on ii Pharmuthi; v [3880] Kal. Ap.; xv Moon; Epact ix; Gods, iv; Indict. xiii; Coss. Valentinianus Aug. III, Valens Aug. III; the same Tatianus being governor, who was succeeded by Olympius Palladius, of Samosata. The Pope finished the Church, called after his name, at the close of the eighty-sixth year of the Diocletian Era; in which also he celebrated the dedication, on the fourteenth [3881] of Mesori.

XLIII. (370-1.) In this year, Easter-day was on xxii Pharmuthi; xv Kal. Mai; xvi Moon; Epact xx; Gods, v; Indict. xiv; Coss. Gratianus Aug. II, Probus; the same Palladius being governor; who was succeeded as Praefect of Egypt by AElius Palladius, of Palestine, who was called Cyrus.

XLIV. (371-2.) In this year, Easter-day was on xiii Pharmuthi; vi Id. Ap.; xix Moon; Epact i; Gods, vii [3882] , Indict. xv; Coss. Modestus, Arintheus; the same AElius Palladius the governor, called Cyrus, Praefect of Egypt.

XLV. (372-3.) In this year, Easter-day was on v Pharmuthi; Prid. Kal. Ap.; xxi Moon; Epact xii; Gods, i; Indict. i; Coss. Valentinianus IV, Valens IV; the same governor AElius Palladius, Praefect of Egypt. At the close of this year, on the seventh of Pachon [3883] , he [Athan.] departed this life in a wonderful manner.

The end of the heads of the Festal Letters of holy Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria.

[3878] Text 'xxvii.'

[3879] Sept. 22, 368.

[3880] Text 'iv.'

[3881] Aug. 7, 370.

[3882] The Syr. has 'and not one,' which must be incorrect.

[3883] [May 2, 373.]

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