Translated by Cardinal Newman.
This Part: 128 Pages
Page 56
IV. (331-332.) In this year, Easter-day was on xvii [3831] Pharmuthi; xx Moon; iv Non. Apr.; Epact ix; Gods, vi; Coss. Pacatianus, Hilarianus; the same governor Hyginus, Praefect of Egypt; Indict. v. In this year he went through Pentapolis, and was in Ammoniaca.
V. (332-333.) In this year, Easter-day was on xx Pharmuthi; xv Moon; xvii Kal. Mai; Epact xx; Gods, vii; Coss. Dalmatius, Zenophilus; the governor Paternus [3832] , Praefect of Egypt; Indict. vi.
VI. (333-334.) In this year, Easter-day was on xii Pharmuthi; xvii Moon; vii Id. Apr.; Indict. vii; Epact i; Gods, i; Coss. Optatus, Paulinus; the same governor Paternus [3833] Praefect of Egypt. In this year he went through the lower country. In it he was summoned to a Synod, his enemies having previously devised mischief against him in Caesarea of Palestine; but becoming aware of the conspiracy, he excused himself from attending.
VII. (334-335.) In this year, Easter-day was on xiv [3834] Pharmuthi; xx Moon; iii Kal. Ap.; Indict. viii; Epact xii; Gods, ii; Coss. Constantius [3835] , Albinus; the same governor Paternus, Praefect of Egypt.
VIII. (335-336.) In this year, Easter-day was on xxiii Pharmuthi, xx Moon; xiv Kal. Mai; Indict. ix; Epact xxiii; Gods, iv; Coss. Nepotianus, Facundus; the governor Philagrius, the Cappadocian, Praefect of Egypt. In this year he went to that Synod of his enemies which was assembled at Tyre. Now he journeyed from this place on xvii Epiphi [3836] , but when a discovery was made of the plot against him, he removed thence and fled in an open boat to Constantinople. Arriving there on ii Athyr [3837] , after eight days he presented himself before the Emperor Constantine, and spoke plainly. But his enemies, by various secret devices, influenced the Emperor, who suddenly condemned him to exile, and he set out on the tenth of Athyr [3838] to Gaul, to Constans Caesar, the son of Augustus. On this account he wrote no Festal Letter.
IX. (336-7.) In this year, Easter-day was on viii Pharmuthi; xvi Moon; iv [3839] Non. Ap.; Indict. x; Epact iv; Gods, v; Coss. Felicianus, Titianus; the governor Philagrius, the Cappadocian, Praefect of Egypt. He was in Treviri of Gaul, and on this account was unable to write a Festal Letter.
[3831] Read vii.
[3832] Vid. Ep. Fest. v. n. 2.
[3833] The headings of Letters 6, 7, give Philagrius.
[3834] Read iv, as below, No. xii.
[3835] i.e. Julius C.; the Syr. has Constantinus, by an error.
[3836] July 11, 335.
[3837] Oct. 30, 335.
[3838] Read 'Mechir,' Feb. 5, 336 (Gwatkin, p. 137, the correction is due to Sievers).
[3839] Read iii.
Reference address : https://elpenor.org/athanasius/letters.asp?pg=56