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St Athanasius the Great TO THE PEOPLE OF ANTIOCH, Complete

Translated by Cardinal Newman.

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10. Signatures.

The names of the several bishops to whom the letter is addressed are: Eusebius of the city of Virgilli in Gaul [3694] , Lucifer of the island of Sardinia, Asterius of Petra, Arabia, Kymatius of Paltus, Coele-Syria, Anatolius of Euboea.

Senders: the Pope Athanasius, and those present with him in Alexandria, viz.: Eusebius, Asterius, and the others above-mentioned, Gaius of Paratonium [3695] in Hither Libya, Agathus of Phragonis and part of Elearchia in Egypt, Ammonius of Pachnemunis [3696] and the rest of Elearchia, Agathodaemon of Schedia [3697] and Menelaitas, Dracontius of Lesser Hermupolis, Adelphius of Onuphis [3698] in Lychni, Hermion of Tanes [3699] , Marcus of Zygra [3700] , Hither Libya, Theodorus of Athribis [3701] , Andreas of Arsenoe, Paphnutius of Sais, Marcus of Philae, Zoilus of Andros [3702] , Menas of Antiphra [3703] .

Eusebius also signs the following in Latin, of which the translation is:

I Eusebius, according to your exact confession made on either side by agreement concerning the Subsistences, also add my agreement; further concerning the Incarnation of our Saviour, namely that the Son of God has become Man, taking everything upon Himself without sin, like the composition of our old man, I ratify the text of the letter. And whereas the Sardican paper is ruled out, to avoid the appearance of issuing anything beyond the creed of Nicaea, I also add my consent, in order that the creed of Nicaea may not seem by it to be excluded, and [I agree] that it should not be published. I pray for your health in the Lord.

I Asterius agree to what is above written, and pray for your health in the Lord.

[3694] i.e. Vercellae, in 'Cisalpine' Gaul, or Lombardy.

[3695] In Marmarica or 'Libya Siccior' near the Ras el Harzeit.

[3696] Capital of the Sebennytic nome, near Handahur.

[3697] A town and custom-house near Andropolis, between Alxa. and the Canopic arm of the Nile.

[3698] Chief town of a nome in the Delta.

[3699] 'Zoan.'

[3700] West of Alxa. toward the Libyan dessert, and not far from Zygra in Marmarica.

[3701] A very important town near the head of the Tanite arm. See Amm. Marc. xxii. 16. 6, who calls it one of the four largest cities in Egypt proper.

[3702] i.e. Andropolis (above, note 11).

[3703] West of Alxa. toward the Libyan dessert, and not far from Zygra in Marmarica.

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