While admitting, therefore, the naturalness of the traditional arrangement, we may fairly treat the two as distinct, and permit the Arian History to launch the reader without preamble in medias res.
As the tract is long, and various in its subject-matter, the following scheme of contents may be found useful. It will be noted that chronological order is observed in Parts I.-IV, i.e. till 355, when the existing persecution of Constantius, the main theme of the History (Letter 52, S:1), is reached. The history of this persecution is dealt with (Parts V.-VII.) with much more fulness, and is grouped round subjects each of which covers more or less the same period. Part VIII. deals with the more recent events in Egypt.
Part I. Proceedings of the Arians from the Council of Tyre till the return of the Exiles (335-337).
S:S:1-3. General character of their proceedings.
S:S:4-7. Persecution of the orthodox bishops.
S:8. Restoration of the exiles after Constantine's death.
Part II. Second Exile of Athanasius, till the Council of Sardica (337-343).
S:9. Renewed intrigues against Athanasius.
S:10. Gregory intruded by Constantius as bishop.
S:11. Athanasius at Rome. Negotiations for a Council there.