Are they then satisfied with all this, and content to be quiet for the future? By no means; they have not given over yet, but like the horseleach [1403] in the Proverbs, they revel more and more in their wickedness, and fix themselves upon the larger dioceses. Who can adequately describe the enormities they have already perpetrated? who is able to recount all the deeds that they have done? Even very lately, while the Churches were at peace, and the people worshipping in their congregations, Liberius, Bishop of Rome, Paulinus [1404] , Metropolitan of Gaul, Dionysius [1405] , Metropolitan of Italy, Lucifer [1406] , Metropolitan of the Sardinian islands, and Eusebius [1407] of Italy, all of them good Bishops and preachers of the truth, were seized and banished [1408] , on no pretence whatever, except that they would not unite themselves to the Arian heresy, nor subscribe to the false accusations and calumnies which they had invented against me.